1. Remove all connectors from the LCD screen, and unscrew the 5 screws (locations highlighted in red) which attach the screen to the pachislo.

In this picture, the connectors have not yet been removed. It might help you to tag each connector and make notes so you can remember where it goes. Generally each connector will only fit in one socket, but it depends on how good your memory is.
2. Remove any remaining connectors or cables between the plastic LCD housing and the LCD RF shielding, then remove the screws holding the plastic housing to the monitor and RF shielding. There MAY be 2 on each side (mine only had 2 for some reason).


At this point you may see a copperish colored connector sticking out from the RF shielding (or you may not, it may be tucked inside). This is what will need to be reconnected to make the LCD work.

Eight screws (2 on each corner) will need to be removed to open the RF shielding.
4. Open the RF shielding to access the small black printed circuit board which the LCD screen connects to

5. Remove the 4 screws from the black printed circuit board to access the connector for the LCD's ribbon cable.

6. Open the connector for the ribbon cable, and insert the cable completely (ensuring that you have the right side up, cable should lie flat when black PCB is reinstalled in machine, not twisted), then press down the small white flap to lock it in place. Replace the board and screw it back onto the LCD.

At this point, you can close the RF shielding, and CAREFULLY and SLOWLY remove the cheesy vinyl that Trademark has covered the LCD screen with. Try and remove all of the adhesive, but don't use anything harsh, coarse, abrasive or solvent based on the screen.
Continue reassembling LCD unit, replace in machine, and reconnect all connectors in the reverse order you disconnected them.
Turn on your machine, and hopefully your screen will spring to life.