Street Fighter IV - First Impressions, not bad at all

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Street Fighter IV - First Impressions, not bad at all

Post by SpecialkVI »

I have Street Fighter 2, but I was very fortunate to come across a Street Fighter IV pachislo machine recently. The previous own wasn't sure how to fix it so I bought it "as is." After figuring out the Error codes, I got Street Fighter IV up and running. This machine was made by Enterrise in 2011. Without an owner's manual, it was trial and error. The inside of this machine seems somewhat basic. I'm trying to figure out where the volume control is. The reset key seems really small compared to older pachislo games. The appearence and game play is pretty good. I was especially impressed how the developers of the game try to use a Street Fighter video game type storyline within the "pachislo" theme. The LED screen seems large and colorful. Even the error messages looked impressive. Most of the speech is in japanese with some english spoken. I find the game play very remarkable and the machine does a good job getting your attention to play on. To Street Fighter fans, it is a keeper. My only aggregation is trying to find support on this machine. Contacting Enterrise seemed usless on trying to locate a owner's manual and reset key. I will keep you posted as I explore this machine further
The mystery plug and board
The mystery plug and board
IMG_9746.jpg (115.71 KiB) Viewed 11298 times
completing a mini game
completing a mini game
IMG_9764.jpg (142.57 KiB) Viewed 11298 times
Today's rankings
Today's rankings
IMG_9749.jpg (122.38 KiB) Viewed 11298 times
The reset key in the power box.
The reset key in the power box.
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After reseting the machine
After reseting the machine
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Beautiful error messages
Beautiful error messages
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The very small reset key on one side
The very small reset key on one side
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The very small reset key on the other side
The very small reset key on the other side
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Inside the machine
Inside the machine
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Keep smiling :D
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